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EverydayFamily - Free Diapers - US

 Users can register with EverydayFamily.com and receive stage-based pregnancy and baby email newsletters, offers and weekly coupon alerts as well as access to free baby samples, baby coupons, baby magazines and more.

If a publisher is using editorial or content advertising to drive traffic, whether it be their own blog, as guest posts, or through Twitter stream, they must disclose that they're being paid for the traffic generated. This can be accomplished with the #ad hashtag for Tweets or a small disclosure statement at the end of their post.

Affiliates CANNOT use any trademarked/branded terms in advertisements (Example: Pampers, Huggies, Gerber, etc.)

Affiliates CANNOT create ads that include images of products or brand logos.

NO Facebook Paid Advertising allowed.

Converts on a one page sign up.

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