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OfferX - Review Burger King - UK

 Get Test Keep are looking for people to become a secret diner at Burger King. If you're chosen, you'll be sent £25 to enjoy a trip to Burger King. Simply join our program and complete all the forms.

Absolutely NO incentivized, content locking or pop up traffic allowed. No misuse of 3rd party brands. If these terms are not followed publishers will not be paid for any leads delivered. Make sure that your advertising materials do only show brands displayed on the offer. It is absolutely forbidden to use any logos from following companies: Coles, Westfield, WoolWorths, ALDI, Tesco, H&M, Iceland, Carrefour, Ikea, E.Leclerc, Auchan, Picard, Thomas Cook, Lush, Haribo, Costa and Audi.

Converts on a second page submit (Single Opt-In)*Publishers are encouraged to target users above 25 y.o. - This traffic converts best*

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